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Travel FAQ's

Travel Soccer Frequently Asked Questions:


Who decides who makes the travel teams?
We employ a third-party training organization to run the try-out process on our behalf.  We primarily utilize the results from this session, but also use coach and team trainer evaluations as input as well.
How many travel teams will there be?
We anticipate that there will be 1 team for each gender in each age group from U-10 through U-14.
Are U-10 and U-11 governed by grade, or is there another age consideration?
The national governing body, US Soccer Federation, has changed its guidelines requiring teams to be formed based on calendar year birthdates. Therefore, next year’s U-10 team will be comprised of children born on or after January 1, 2014 regardless of what grade they are in. For U-11 the player needs to be born on or after January 1, 2013.

If my child qualifies as U-10, can they try out for the U-11 team?
Yes.  However, we do encourage you to discuss with your player’s coach or trainer to determine if that is the best route to choose.

Why is travel soccer so much more expensive than AYSO programs?
There are a number of factors at play including the amount of training, WSYL fees, uniform fees, etc.

Why isn’t there a U-9 travel option?
BYSC believes it is in the best interest of the community and best for player development to start travel programs at the U-10 level.  We will continue to offer AYSO programs as well as additional training options for players who do not yet qualify for U-10 play.
Are coaches pre-selected for each team?
No.  The players are determined based upon the try-outs and other criteria and then volunteer coaches/managers are assigned based on which players are on the team.
How many players will be on each travel team?
Each U-10 team will like have between 10-13 players and U-11 teams will most likely have between 12-14 players.
What happens if my player does not make the travel team?
We will be fielding teams through AYSO for these age groups, and all players who choose not to play travel soccer will have an opportunity to continue playing.

If my player is trying out for the WYSL team, should I also register them through AYSO?
AYSO registration remains open into July, so we recommend holding off on registering for AYSO until you are certain that your player will be playing AYSO U-10 or U-12 soccer in the Fall. 

We encourage you to reach out to Jordan Snider or Jay Johnson should you have additional questions or thoughts.  If they are not able to address your questions, they will be able to direct you to the appropriate people.
Jordan Snider     
Jay Johnson